Abigail Schaus

Diversified Vegetable Pre-Apprenticeship
Lafayette College

Farm stat: Managed and mentored eight farm workers
Favorite farm task: Harvesting brussel sprouts
Least favorite farm task: Repairing holes in drip-tape irrigation
Favorite beneficial creature: Worms

Abigail joined the Lafayette College farm as a pre-apprentice, learning new farm-related responsibilities and methods of multitasking while on the field. She approached this work through an intersectional lens, creating a safe space for all identities to have dialogue, expression, and understanding amongst each other. Abigail’s first memory of thinning carrots was an especially memorable one because she learned an essential farm trick that will carry on in her future endeavors.

They are currently interning at their city’s community garden program through coordinating volunteer events, setting up workshops, and developing educational opportunities. They are also working on completing their undergraduate degree in environmental studies and hope to continue their involvement with community organizations focused on local food and farm initiatives.

“I found it incredibly helpful to take time at the end or start of every week to make a list of tasks that needed to get done and with what urgency because so much of farming is time-dependent.”