Enjoying a complimentary membership? Here are a few ways you can pay it forward.
Help us create a delicious, seasonal menu for the meals at our annual Conference. Contribute ingredients including produce, dairy, meat, value-added products, and more.
Contact: food@pasafarming.org
Pitch in to help make our Conference a welcoming and engaging experience for all! Lend a hand behind the scenes with tasks like set-up, tear-down, on-site registration, and more.
Contact: events@pasafarming.org
Do you remember your first Pasa Conference? A field day that opened up your eyes to new ideas? Share that experience with the next generation by contributing to our scholarship funds that help farmers attend our events and receive other education opportunities at little or no cost.
Invest in a brighter future for our planet. Together we can grow a world where agriculture nourishes, heals, and empowers.
—Jenn Halpin & Matt Steiman, Dickinson College Farm
Questions? Contact membership@pasafarming.org or 814.349.9856 x701.