Our Farmer Outreach team is supporting opportunities for underserved and systemically marginalized farmers to network with one another and share knowledge, skills, challenges, successes, and innovations. We’re connecting these farmers with federal, state, and private resources, while also working with the USDA to make resources and support more relevant to underserved farmers’ needs and goals.
Our outreach team prioritizes reaching racially marginalized, LGBTQ+, gender nonconforming, and low-income farmers. This includes aspiring farmers, youth and beginning farmers, as well as current farmers, farmworkers, and ranchers.
This work is part of a cooperartive agreement with the USDA Farm Service Agency's office in Philadelphia. We also have staff serving Pittsburgh and Harrisburg-Lancaster-Redding.
This work is also supported by a grant from USDA's Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement that prioritizes support for farmers who have been underserved by USDA including “groups whose members have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity,” as well as veteran farmers, and limited resource farmers.
We can host workshops on topics that support your farming goals including, but not limited to: