A recent executive order has frozen federal funding for thousands of vital programs, leaving countless farmers, families, communities, and organizations unsupported.

While litigation is already challenging the federal funding freeze, the situation remains uncertain and is deeply affecting those who have counted on these resources.

In an open letter to our community, Pasa Executive Director Hannah Smith-Brubaker shared ways to take action, along with calls support Pasa by giving what you can and becoming a member.

Below we’re collecting resources for farmers and organizations impacted, including new grant opportunities for farmers, as well as for community members who want to help us stand up for farmers.

Media contact: Anya Hanna communications@pasafarming.org 814.349.9856 x767

Does your farm or organization receive USDA funding?

Learn how to be prepared.

Resources for farmers

Quick links for community members

Take action

Your voice matters! Use our call script and learn how to contact USDA and your legislators.

Take action

Share your story

If you have been impacted by the funding freeze, fill out this brief survey to help us advocate on your behalf.

Share your story

Donate to help us keep fighting for farmers

Your support in this moment is absolutely critical.


Spread the word

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and be sure to share our posts with your network.

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Have more resources to share?

Post them to the Pasa Community Board (Google Group listserv).

Community Board

Stay informed

Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on the federal funding freeze and other Pasa news. 


Keep an eye on our Newsroom

We’re keeping our Newsroom up-to-date with the latest coverage of how the funding freeze is impacting our community.

Get the latest news

Land & Liberation resource guide

If you receive any USDA to this helpful resource from Land & Liberation for suggestions on how you can be prepared.


NSAC’s funding freeze toolkit

Find graphics, scripts, and other tools to advocate for farmers!

Go to toolkit

Resources for farmers

If your farm or organization receives any USDA funding:


Upcoming grant opportunities for farmers:


Horizon Farm Credit JumpStart Grants

Horizon Farm Credit is offering $10,000 grants to support new and beginning farmers. Up to 15 grants will be awarded to applicants with two years or less of farming experience. Applicants must be 18 or older by March 28, 2025, and live within Horizon Farm Credit’s 100-county service area. Applications are open until March 28, 2025, and there is no cost to apply. For more information or to apply, visit horizonfc.com/jumpstart.

Distressed Borrowers Assistance Network (DBAN)

This funding opportunity, authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, supports financially distressed farmers. It aims to expedite assistance for borrowers of direct or guaranteed loans through the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). Learn more and apply using this link.

Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPG)
The VAPG program assists farmers in creating value-added products to enhance market competitiveness. Eligible applicants include independent producers and agricultural cooperatives. Grants require a one-to-one match and focus on improving rural economic outcomes. 

For more details, visit the USDA Rural Development site here.

NASDA Business Builder Sub-Awards

This program offers $15,000 to $100,000 in no-match funding for producers and food businesses in the Northeast. Grants support projects in production expansion, market development, financial resource navigation, and business strategy development. Learn more and apply here.

NOTE: Despite the uncertainty surrounding USDA funding, the continued flow of applications can only serve to further demonstrate the demand and need for these critical resources.

Tips & scripts for contacting USDA & Congress

Contact US Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins

Reach out to US Secretary of Agriculture Rollins and urge her to honor the binding agreements USDA made with farmers, ranchers, and the organizations that support them, and to ensure that farmers receive the reimbursements they are owed.

Call (833) ONE-USDA or (202) 720-7100 or email AgSec@usda.gov.

PLEASE NOTE:  When reaching out to USDA over email, please copy Pasa’s Executive Director Hannah Smith-Brubaker at hannah@pasafarming.org. Because it has been challenging to ascertain whether the email we’ve been asked to use by USDA is monitored, we want to be doubly sure the Secretary receives your message and plan to deliver copies of messages to USDA on a weekly basis.

Contact US Representative Glenn “GT” Thompson, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture

Use this contact form to send a message, or call him at (202) 225-5121.

Contact your congress member—or go see them in person!

Members of Congress will be in their home districts March 17-22—an ideal time to urge them to address the funding freeze’s impact on agriculture. Schedule an in-person meeting if possible, or send an email or voicemail.

Find your representatives’ contact info here

Use the same script below to craft your message, adding: “I live/work/farm in the [ZIP CODE] area of your district” in your introduction.

Call/email script for contacting USDA or Congress

We encourage you to share your personal story and explain how this inaction is impacting you and your livelihood. If you’d like, you can use the below template to help craft your message.




I am very concerned about the current policies being put in place at USDA that will withhold funding, compromise the data of farmers and the community-based organizations that support them, reverse decades of progress towards achieving equity for underrepresented communities, and push our farmers off their land and communities into devastating economic and food insecurity.


I am asking you to lead by example in holding the USDA to the Prompt Payment Act, and ensure that farmers and the community-based organizations that serve them can receive the Congressionally-approved funding they need to keep growing food for our communities. I urge you to defend this funding.


Thank you for your service to our nation’s farmers. 


Latest news on the federal funding freeze

Media contact: Anya Hanna communications@pasafarming.org 814.349.9856 x767