Revive Compost™ for $15/ton
Posted: Tue, December 10, 2024
$15/ton Frederick, MD sale
Phone Number: 3016007230
Revive Compost™ is made from grass clippings, leaves and small branches by the Frederick County Division of Solid Waste and Recycling. Revive is fully composted to MDA’s standards and is tested by third party lab analysis to produce a stable and safe source of organic carbon and nutrients.
Revive compost and premium double-grind mulch are sold in bulk for $15/ton from Frederick County’s 9031 Reichs Ford Road Facility, Mondays-Saturdays from 7am-4:30pm where machine operators can fill open top trucks and trailers. For questions and more information call the Frederick County Office of Recycling at 301-600-2960 or visit our website: We are happy to answer questions about the compost, provide guidance on how best to incorporate it into your growing practices, and put you in contact with haulers for delivery of larger loads.